Showing posts with label Aliens. Show all posts

NBA Player Claims He Was Abducted By Aliens!

NBA player admits to being an alien abductee? Was Ronald Reagan told he would become president in the 1950's? These are just some of the...

Proof That Men In Black Do Exist - Documentary

Do the Men in Black really exist? This documentary takes a look at the Men in Black phenomenon. What do you think? and check this out...

UFO Captured On Tape Over Pennsylvania

Stephanie Wilkerson caught this video on her phone of a UFO over Pennsylvania. She called 911. A police officer came over and he saw it too....

10 Disturbing Alien Encounters

The universe is vast and the idea of life out there is one that captivates us all. Do aliens from other worlds come to earth? Here is a look...

Object Exits Earth & Meets Up With Second UFO - Breakdown

Here is a video of what people are calling a UFO meeting up with another UFO. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this footage and ...

US Navy Pilots filmed disc shaped UFO Over Pacific Ocean - Solved

This video of a UFO filmed by Navy pilots has been circling the internet. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a look and got to the bottom of ...

8 Most Widely-Believed Alien Conspiracy Theories

It's very likely that we're not alone in the universe, and there have been many claims of alien sightings, and alien life visiting o...

Three Bizarre Camping Stories Involving Aliens And Bigfoot

From creatures looking in a man's tent to a couple seeing Aliens disappear into a craft, here are three bizarre camping stories involvin...

The Henry McKay Confession Tape - Men In Black Encounter

The Henry McKay Confession Tape is an audio cassette tape from 1978 of pioneer physical trace UFOlogist Henry McKay talking about his experi...

Advanced Alien Civilizations Existed Before Us: New Study

Scientists at the university of Rochester revised the famous drake equation and says intelligent alien civilizations exited before us. What ...

Spontaneous Human Combustion Possible Causes

This week Chris and the fellas talk about spontaneous human combustion, revisit the flat earth and comic book movies. They also discuss a wo...

5 Best UFO Photographs Ever Taken

From the Belgian Wave to the Waterbury, Connecticut Sighting, here is a look at five of the best UFO photographs ever taken. What do you thi...

5 Terrifying Cases Of Alien Abduction

From the 1976 Camping Abduction to the Frederick Valentich UFO Abduction, here is a look at five of the most terrifying cases of alien abduc...

5 Real Aliens Caught on Tape?

Are these real aliens caught on tape? Or just elaborate hoaxes. This video contains the Top 5 Best Alien Footage on the internet, so judge f...

Growing Cats And Paper Men: The Hines Abduction

Looks at a 1979 case in which a woman claims that she was abducted by some very strange beings from a field in Toronto. and check this out...

New Flat Earth Theories Examined

This week Chris and Steve take on the Flat Earth theory. They also look at the theft/movement of a bigfoot statue, American Airlines UFO enc...

5 Mysterious Ancient Clues That Could Prove Aliens Exist

Have Aliens been to earth hundreds, or thousands of years ago? Here are some clues that Ancient Aliens existed. What do you think? and check...

5 Terrifying Encounters With The Men In Black

The MIB are believed to be be government agents or undercover aliens who harass or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they...

10 Ancient Pictures of UFOs & Aliens

If aliens do exist and have been coming to our little blue planet, is it possible that humanity has been watched since the very beginning? a...

5 Strongest Signs Of Aliens & Alien Life

From CCTV footage of two believed men in black looking for UFO witnessers to the believed sighting of extraterrestrials on the moon and orbi...