Showing posts with label Ghost Ship. Show all posts

A Ghost Ship Appears On A Great Lake - Breakdown

A ghost of the Edmond Fitzgerald perhaps? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look and gives us his thoughts. What do you think? and check ...

Bermuda Triangle: Ship Reappears After Missing For 90 Years?

Did this ship just reappear after 90 years missing? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this news story and gives us the straight t...

Paranormal Ship Mystery

What would cause an entire ship’s crew to be found lying dead face up, mouths open, facing the sky? The mystery crew of the S S Orang Medan ...

5 Most Mysterious Ghost Ships

Dark5tv presents 5 of the most mysterious ships responsible for unexplained phenomena still seen and ghost stories still told today. and che...

Top 10 Mysterious Ghost Ships

From cannibal rats, mysterious WWI submarines, and tax evasion, here are 10 mysterious ghost ships.

5 Creepiest Ghost Ships to Ever Sail The Seas

Ghost ships, or phantom ships, make up a big part of the seafaring lore that has been passed down by sailors and fisherman throughout the ye...

15 Real Life Ghost Ships

From abandoned ships stripped of their every identification, to men that vanished from their boat mid-meal without explanation, here are 15 ...


Here is an older documentary put out on the Discovery Channel about ghosts and ghost encounters. Does Abraham Lincoln roam the white house? ...

The Creepy Legend Of The Flying Dutchman

A ghost ship that makes the Southern Capes forever treacherously tempestuous..? A metaphor for the terrifying gales and hurricanes that roam...

Top 10 Most Haunted Places On Earth

Disembodied screams, shadowy figures and mysterious movements lurk in these terrifying haunted places! From The Screaming Bridge in Ohio to ...

Top Ten Ghost Ships

Ghost ships, or phantom ships, make up a big part of the seafaring lore that has been passed down by sailors and fisherman throughout the ye...

The legend of the SS Ourang Medan Ghost Ship (video)

The SS Ourang Medan was a Dutch cargo ship that sent out a distress call, but by the time help arrived the entire crew were dead with thei...

Ghost ship full of cannibal rats ‘could be heading for Britain', not a new horror movie

A ghost ship carrying nothing but disease-ridden rats could be about to make land on Britain’s shore, experts have warned. The Lyubov Orlova...

"Ghost Ship" photographed off of Guernsey Island UK

IS THIS the ghost of the famous Elizabethan ship that floundered off Alderney in 1592? Alderney holidaymaker Bill Cook photographed the spe...

11 Creepiest Ghost Boats

These boats are surrounded in mystery and really creep people out. Like ghost boats washed up without their crew & no explanation!! Tall...