Showing posts with label Most. Show all posts

5 Most Cursed Religious & Horror Movie Sets Of All Time

We have all heard of curses being cast on people, or items bringing nothing but bad luck that are claimed to be cursed by an evil force. But...

10 Most Bizarre Ancient Egypt Discoveries

There are things in Egypt that have been hidden for years and have recently been unearthed like temples, lost cities and alien daggers! What...

5 Creepiest And Most Terrifying Real Found Footage / Lost Tapes Of Murderers And Psychopaths

Since the film camera was invented millions of films have been created so it wouldn’t be unusual for someone to find some old tapes and if y...

5 Most Terrifying Predictions That Actually Came True

Dark5 presents 5 unbelievable real life predictions of terrible future events that actually came true. What do you think? and check this out...

5 Most Shocking CIA Experiments of Project MKULTRA

MKULTRA's 5 most shocking CIA experiments. What terrifyingly real mind control experiments took place? What do you think? and check this...

5 Creepiest & Most Haunted Abandoned Places In The World

Abandoned places are eerie. The thought that somewhere was once the home of people who lived out their days, had birthdays, celebrations and...

5 Scariest & Most Haunted Mental Asylums & Hospitals In The World

If you would go to a mental asylum or a hospital today, then you would see that most patients are happy and being taken care of. But if you ...

Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Japan

From the Doryodo Ruins to the Round Schoolhouse Ruins, here is a look at ten of the most haunted places in Japan. and check this out. THIS W...

5 Most Mysterious Mystics

Enter the world of mysticism and discover some of the most influential and bewildering mystics in history. What do you think? and check this...

5 Most Controversial UFO & Alien Cover Ups in History

The thought that another life form could be out there is a fascinating thing to think about, but what is Aliens have already been down to se...

The 7 Most Mysterious Ancient Lost Lands

They were continents, islands or island-continents, had their own habitat, unique forms of life, and were even sometimes home to forgotten c...

Top 15 Most Scary Things Caught On Video

From 'The Woman in the Graveyard' to 'The Doll Ghost', here is a look at fifteen of the most scary things caught on video. W...

5 Most Bizarre Sideshow Attractions

Dark5 presents 5 more incredible sideshow freaks, wtf animal spectacles, and bizarre unbelievable freak show attractions. and check this out...

Earth's 10 Most Mysterious Events

From 'The Toxic Lady' to 'The Hum', Hybrid Lybrarian takes a look at the earth's most mysterious events. What do you thi...

7 Most Mysterious Rituals from Around the World

From Hlobonga to Chimpanzees performing strange rituals... these are the 7 most mysterious rituals in the world. What do you think? and chec...

5 Most Mysterious Diseases in the World

Imagine suddenly feeling like a thousand bugs were crawling underneath your skin, biting you, stinging you, causing nasty weeping sores to e...

5 Most Mysterious & Highly Forbidden Places On The Planet

Most of us have probably heard of places such as Area 51, the very secretive base in the Nevada desert, but there are a surprising amount of...

5 Most Mysterious Scientist Deaths

Were these scientists killed to cover-up secret government conspiracies and classified weapons programs? Dark5 presents 5 mysterious unexpla...

3 Most Shocking Alien Sightings You've Never Heard Of!

Check out these shocking alien sightings that you have never heard of. What do you think? and check this out...

Top 10 Most Haunted Places On Earth

Disembodied screams, shadowy figures and mysterious movements lurk in these terrifying haunted places! The big question is do you believe in...