Showing posts with label flesh. Show all posts
Glendale schoolgirls confess to being flesh-eating, blood drinking witches

Glendale schoolgirls confess to being flesh-eating, blood drinking witches

Your Strange News Portal, My Zimbabwe News, has once again brought to you yet another frightening, stranger than fiction news report. Glend...
Dutch TV presenters eat each other's flesh w/video

Dutch TV presenters eat each other's flesh w/video

A Dutch television stunt is generating headlines around the world - for all the wrong reasons. The two presenters of TV show Proefkonijnen (...
Center of Disease Control: Zombie Apocalypse Prepardness

Center of Disease Control: Zombie Apocalypse Prepardness

Who says the Government isn't watching our back. The following was originally posted on CDC Public Health Matters Blog on May 16th, 2011...