Your Strange News Portal, My Zimbabwe News, has once again brought to you yet another frightening, stranger than fiction news report.
Glendale villagers are living in fear amid reports that several school-going children have allegedly confessed to be part of a cult that exhumes graves and collect human remains for consumption.
According to the youngsters' confessions, they reportedly visit graveyards in the company of alleged elderly witches where they would 'dig' into graves and exhume human flesh which they then feed on.
The matter has since been brought before Chief Chiweshe, born Joseph Chigariro (82) where his court sat for about three times. During the court sessions, the juveniles reportedly confessed to be part of the witchcraft cult in the area. According to information gathered by our news crew, there were two separate court sessions which took place at Major Brown's farm and at the Chief's farm in Nhangura area.
Two young girls from Kia-ora farm who are in Grade 5 and Form 2 respectively are said to have confirmed that they are being used by witches from the same farm to exhume graves and collect human remains which they would all eat.
The village head of the farm, Mai Theresa Mawadza (49) also CONFIRMED the young girls' confessions.
"We are handling such a case here. The two girls are coming out in the open but they are claiming that their cult has five adults. They are picked up at night by elderly members of the group then engage in witchcraft activities. They will be forced to drink human blood, exhume graves and eat human flesh," she said.
The two girls reportedly started making the spine-chilling revelations in February this year. They said they would wake up in the middle of the night as their names were being called out. The two young girls said they would mysteriously find themselves in the company of two women and one man who were said to be witches and a wizard respectively, it is alleged.
Village Head Mawadza said the Grade 5 girl would be made the path finder of the cult as the group was be on its mission to witchcraft. She further said the girl would be given a clay pot full of human blood which they would all drink as a group.
"According to these girls confessions, they said upon getting to the path that leads to the graveyard, they would see a clay pot by the road side which would be full of human blood. They said an elderly granny (name supplied) is the one who would lift the pot then order the Grade 5 girl to drink first before everyone else follows suit," he said.
Village Head Mawadza said she confided the two girls' ordeal with another village head, Baba Bennet Mudimu (51) whose village is next to Mai Mawadza's. Bennet Mudimu is said to be the head of a newly resettled farm, Craigen Gowers.
In an exclusive interview with the two young girls last week, they said they would hear a voice calling their names at night and they would sneak out of the house without being noticed. The Form 2 girl said the blood-curdling development began after an elderly woman (name supplied) started picking her up to go and gather firewood. She said the woman would try to show her snakes which she could not see.
"This granny would pick me up and go with me to gather firewood where she would always say to me 'look at those snakes'. From there I started seeing three people at night who would say to me 'Let's go and eat human flesh'. I would sneak out of the house then go with them," she said.
Shockingly, the teenager said their shadows would mysteriously remain in the house while they were out in the dark but their parents would get an optically illusion and see as though the two girls were sleeping in the the house. Our news crew was supplied with five names, four for women and one for a man, who were said to be members of the group that was inviting the two girls to go for a witchcraft spree, it is alleged.
Painfully, of all the little children who were reportedly recruited into the alleged group of witches, the youngest of them all is barely 3 years old, My Zimbabwe has learnt. The Grade 2 girl who confessed to be a member of the cult fluently and confidently spoke to our news crew without stammering - a sign that she was not making up stories.
"When my 'partners' are about to come and pick me up, I start feeling dizzy and I become sleepy. Immediately they call my name and say 'Let us go'. I mysteriously walk out of the house through a locked door. My mother would mysteriously see me sleeping yet I would be out of the house. They put me in front of the group and I'm the one who drinks human blood first which will be in a clay pot.
"When we get to a grave of our choice, I simply hit it with a long stick which I will be holding and the grave immediately opens before we jump inside. We then remove the corpse out of the coffin and start eating the flesh. So sharp will be our nails that they will be acting as knives during the process. After eating the flesh, we carry some of the flesh to Gogo's (name supplied) house where it will be dried up as biltong and we leave things in order on the grave. People won't ever notice that the grave was tempered with," narrated the Grade 2 girl.
The hapless minor further revealed that they once exhumed a grave whose human remains were at an advanced stage of decomposing.
"We once exhumed a grave where we found human flesh which was producing a terrible smell because it had reached an advanced stage of decomposing, but we just ate ALL the flesh. In most cases we hunt for 'fresh' human flesh, so we target people who recently died. I'm the one who carries the remaining flesh to Gogo *****'s house," she said.
One of the group's members, who is said to be the only male member (name supplied) and is aged 61, said he was ordered to attend Chief Chiweshe's court over the said matter.
"We were called to the court as these girls were saying we were using them to engage in witchcraft. A traditional healer was also called and he claimed that my parents had instilled some evil charms into my blood (kutemerwa nyora) while I was still young. I personally don't know that I'm into witchcraft. Maybe I do it subconsciously. If it (the spirit of witchcraft) can be cast out of me, I am very willing to come forward," said the man.
Glendale villagers are living in fear amid reports that several school-going children have allegedly confessed to be part of a cult that exhumes graves and collect human remains for consumption. Two school-going girls have allegedly come out and confessed to be part of a group of witches that drink human blood and eat human flesh at graves in Glendale.
Village Head Mudimu said she was once called one night to witness the young girls' alleged witchcraft problem when the Grade 5 girl reportedly volunteered to accompany the Village Head and other selected villagers to the grave yard where she would show them how they operate.
"We were all too scared. No one was willing to go with the girl to the graveyard on that night. She wanted to show us the pot of blood as well as how they mysteriously open the graves and eat human flesh. This little girl challenged us all to accompany her so we could see it all with our own eyes but we all couldn't get enough guts," said Village Head Mudimu.
She said she was also worried as to whether the two young girls have not been sexually abused by other members of the alleged witchcraft group.
"We have heard that witches and wizards normally indulge in sexual activities together, and now we are not sure if these children have not been 'tempered' with since there is a male person in the group," she added.
Chief Chiweshe said the case is still pending in his court as investigations are still underway. He said it's the first time such a case has been brought before his court.
"Witches are there indeed but some of the laws in this country hinder us from appropriately handling witchcraft cases. This normally results in us dropping such cases due to lack of tangible evidence," he said.
The Grade 5 girl's grandfather, (name supplied), said he can no longer live with the young girls since they are now being allegedly labeled as witches within their community.
The mother of the young girl (name supplied) said she can not look in the eye with people who allegedly made her daughter eat human flesh and introduced her into witchcraft.
"Personally I want these people to vacate this community because they will not desist from their practice. We are only waiting for the Chief's final verdict," said the 32-year-old mother.
The mother of the Form 2 girl (name supplied) said her daughter now constantly collapses in a mysterious way even when she is at school.
"My daughter's problem is that she now constantly collapses. These girls really need to be cleansed so they can 'throw out' all the human flesh that they ate," she said.
In an interview with the two young girls last week, they said they would hear a voice calling their names at night and they would sneak out of the house without being noticed. The Form 2 girl said the woman would try to show her snakes which she could not see.
"This granny would pick me up and go with me to gather firewood where she would always say to me 'look at those snakes'. From there I started seeing three people at night who would say to me 'Let's go and eat human flesh'. I would sneak out of the house then go with them," she said.
The Grade 5 girl said she is the one who goes in front and she is the one who always takes the first sip in drinking human blood.
"I mysteriously walk out of the house through a locked door. My mother would mysteriously see me sleeping yet I would be out of the house. They put me in front of the group and I'm the one who drinks human blood first which will be in a clay pot. When we get to a grave of our choice, I simply hit it with a long stick which I will be holding and the grave immediately opens before we jump inside. We then remove the corpse out of the coffin and start eating the flesh," she said.
Source: My Zimbabwa News
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Glendale schoolgirls confess to being flesh-eating, blood drinking witches
Glendale schoolgirls confess to being flesh-eating, blood drinking witches
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